Thursday, July 1, 2010

Google China stops redirection to Google Hong Kong (Part 2)

Two days since the announcement of stop redirection, Google China has changed their search engine landing page to a static page - clicking any part of the main body would then be redirected to Google Hong Kong.

It writes a message in Simplified Chinese: "我们已移至 - 请收藏我们的新网址".  Let me do a little bit translation: "We have moved to - Please bookmark our new URL."  In this case, they don't have to add a filter in every searching while asking people to intentionally go to

They published a Mainland China service availability report in, they reported that the service of web search and mobile channel were sometimes interrupted on 30 June 2010, but when I checked the same report again on 1 July 2010, it's back to normal:

Referring to a local online news channel in Hong Kong, they reported that Google China agreed to follow all the local laws in PRC, including filtering (Traditional Chinese).  While another news reported that Google Maps weren't approved in the renewal process (Traditional Chinese).  Seems like still a long story to go.


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