Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Google Wave: getting started...

After trying Google Wave for a few weeks, I have come up with a little comments:

  • it's easy to use, as long as you have a reliable connection and a fast processing computer
    • I tried it in a public computer when I was in trip (Celeron notebook), it takes several minutes to load and process every instruction
  • robots are nice
    • did a bit Google searching, found some robots (i.e. Tweety, Bloggy, etc..), including the Rosy (The real-time translation tool)
  • still at preview stage, bugs behind
    • it's getting problem when using Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Japanese in Google Chrome dev 4, keeping repeating the characters in the wave
    • Having problem when using Rosy to translate the 4 languages mentioned, keep repeating the wavesssssss....
    • sometimes having problem synchronize the waves between different users (characters were deleted in user A but not user B), but not very often

On the whole, it's a very nicely done platform and concept, look forward to its official launch to the market :)

YouTube Video:


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