Sunday, October 4, 2009

Helping the victims of Tropical Storm Ketsana

I know you've heard the news of Tropical Storm Ketsana hitting the Philippines last week.  Unfortunately, another Typhoon Parma has just been slowly crossing the northern tip of the country, making the situation even worse.  I've just read a local news about a preliminary earthquake report that a magnitude 6.5 offshore earthquake struck the southern Philippines 4 hours ago, hope it's not hitting the country even worse.

A Google Map presenting the Typhoon Ketsana affected countries
A dedicated Google page with maps providing the missing report - at least one more source of information and channel for reporting or finding the missing.  Google has been doing this for the Sichuan Earthquakes in 2008 and other disasters as well, which enables people sharing the information and help the relief effort.

Donation: Red Cross Hong Kong | Red Cross USA

Spread out the news and information as much as you can, donate and help the victims in the Philippines.

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