Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Google Wave

As mentioned about the Google Wave in my first blog entry, here're some highlights I'd like to share with you after watching the Youtube video (1hr 20mins):
  • a simple communication object aim at communication collaboration
  • a real instant communication platform, even typing, editing the same content together with different users
  • a simple browser will run Google Wave
  • as a proxy to communicate with different communication systems, like Twitter, Blogger, etc...
  • it's open source, and server independent - only involves the server particpated in private communication
  • real-time translation (through robot, serve as a participant - Rosy Etta) during communication (a wave)
  • extending the Google Wave by the Google Wave APIs
Remember, you are using just a web browser to do all the tasks mentioned above.  Simpy Amazing :)
Just can't wait for adapting it into future web development.

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