Wednesday, October 7, 2009

E-mail phishing attack

Further to the users of Microsoft E-mail service (,, had been found suffering from the attack, the latest E-mail phishing attack has been spread to Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and AOL account as reported lately.  Hope you are not one of the victims.

How to check if you are suffered?

After the first account information has been removed from, people are worried about how to check if their account has been hacked.  Okay, let's try something simple as a taste of it:

  1. Go to
  2. Put in your E-mail address (you can use quotes specifying the address as well, i.e. "[email protected]") and click "Search"
  3. See if it's listed and any password information in the stored cached result

The positive result of this simple checking does not guarantee that you are totally free from the hack, but at least you can make an estimation about the situation of your E-mail address.  Act fast if you are planning to do so, search result cache could be refreshed quickly.

Be sure to read an article by Google: Choosing a smart password

News/information related to this topic:
Microsoft: Phishing scheme affecting some Hotmail customers
Neowin: Email phishing attack spreads to Gmail and Yahoo

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