Thursday, August 4, 2011


Even though the NBA games are not attractive nowadays (except that Dallas won the Champion by teamwork), the 2K Sports NBA2K series has drawn my attention since NBA2K11 with the theme of Michael Jordan.

They have just announced the cover of the latest version - NBA2K12 - with some amazing artwork...

Hold on, why Jordan's leg pad (sports brace) is on the right leg? Shouldn't it on the left leg?


Thursday, July 7, 2011


We all know that it's big, so we'd like to be part of it and try it out.

Sadly, they were not accepting new registration due to capacity in trial period.  But now, they opened the registration channel again for those who received invitation previously, so catch the time and be part of it!

I've just in :)


Update: Google has just brought the "Invite" button back!  You can now invite as many people as possible!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Angry Birds Chrome Edition... hack?

Have you tried the chrome edition of Angry Birds yet?

Getting tired of completing all levels to get into the new chrome levels?  Since it's using HTML5, it's possible to update the data using script and here's the lazy approach by hacking the game locally.

In Angry Birds chrome, copy and paste the following script into the address bar and press enter:
javascript:var i=0; while (i<=69) { localStorage.setItem('level_star_'+i,'3'); i++; } window.location.reload();
All levels are having "3 stars", including the new levels (i.e. it's unlocked!)  As you can see, it's using a while-loop to set all levels to have "3 stars" locally.  In the same way, you can set all items to different levels by changing the parameter '3', or you can write your own scripts as well.

Anyway, I encourage you to enjoy the game by beating every levels :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Google Body Browser

The latest lab invented by Google - Body Browser.

It provides a detailed 3D model of a human body, which uses WebGL to display.  There are several options to navigate and browse through your body, to name some:

  • Skin (outlook)
  • Bone
  • Muscle
  • Organ
  • etc...
Or you can search by typing keywords.

A YouTube video showing the Body Browser:

So now you can be more familiar with your body, but you need to have a latest new of Google Chrome 9 beta/dev/canary, or Firefox 4 beta.



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Visualizing Friendships - Facebook Worldmap

This is a very beautiful image created - base on the friendships among all Facebook users.

Paul Bulter, an intern working in Facebook, has used the data of 500 million people regarding their social relationship to construct an image of the world.

Copyright Paul Bulter/Facebook.
The image of Facebook Worldmap is generated using the R Project for statistical computing, he inputted all the coordinate of the cities and generate base on the data in the repository.  The image is also visualizing the user base of Facebook in the world.

A pretty good looking image that you can know the majority of Facebook users located...

The original thread by the author:
